Winterizing Your HVAC System

Even when you live in part of the world where the air conditioner is seldom used, there is a change in seasons which leads to a change in HVAC usage. You may begin using the heater more than usual or it will need to work harder to maintain the temperature in your home. Because of this, it is important to take a few moments during this time of the year to winterize it or prepare your HVAC unit for the winter to come. We put together a few tips to help you winterize your system as a whole. Doing this can help you avoid future repairs and get the most economical performance all year round.

  • Clean the outdoor unit – If you have a unit located outside the home, take a few moments to clean it. Remove any debris that is trapped inside of the unit including twigs and leaves. If possible, use a hose on a warm, dry day to spray away dust and dirt. Use care during this process so that you do not bend any fans or damage the machine in any way.
  • Cover AC unit – If you do have an AC unit outdoors, consider keeping it covered during winter. This can keep your system working properly and avoid issues that may damage your system as a whole. Make sure the unit is clean and dry and use a cover specifically designed for AC unit. This type of cover allows the system to breathe and prevents moisture from being trapped inside.
  • Change your air filter – If you do not already know where your air filter is located find it. Then, change the air filter. You should be doing this at the very least every 3 to 4 months, but changing it more often may be necessary if you live in a home with more than the average air pollution (such as if you own pets or if anyone smokes in the home). Changing your filter regularly helps the system work more economically and may lead to improved performance from your heater.
  • Check exposed ductwork – Regularly checking your exposed ductwork is a vital way to make sure your system continues performing as expected. Even a small leak can lead to a lack of performance. Finding a problem as soon as possible can save you money that you can avoid spending.
  • Clean up around your furnace – Flammable items should never be stored near the furnace. Check the main furnace area and make sure you have not allowed items to encroach in the space needed surrounding your heating unit. Then, take a moment to sweep any dust and debris out of the way too.
  • Review your programmable thermostat – If you have a programmable thermostat, it can be easy to “set it and forget it.” Now is a good time to check your program settings and make sure they reflect the current needs of your family. Adjusting the temperature by even a single degree can save you significantly on your power bill each month.

The above steps are a good place to begin in keeping your HVAC system working well year-round. However, there is no replacement for professional maintenance. If you have any questions or concerns about your heating or HVAC system, reach out to us at KLEBS today.